
This is the home for the study notes for the book of Revelation.  Often mis-referenced as “Revelations”.  This book is an account of the apostle John’s experience as he was taken up to heaven.  It is a unique book in that it carries a blessing to those who read it and hear its words.

Revelation 1

Verses 1-7: Source of the words: What does the word Revelation mean?What does the word soon mean? Whose Revelation is this? Who gave it to Jesus? Who is giving it to John? When will the revelation come to pass? How much of this revelation will come to pass? What exactly is John Testifying Based on...

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Revelation 2

Verses 1-7 Who is offering words to the church of Ephesus?Who is he offering the words to?Verse 2, Jesus states that he knows their labor, and endurance and many more things about the church of Ephesus? What does this tell you about Jesus' relationship with the churches of this world?Verse 4-5 is Jesus admonition for...

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Revelation 3

Verses 1-7 Jesus refers to himself as he who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars. What does this mean to you (Isa 11:2-5)? How is it relevant to the message that he has for the church of Sardis?What does Jesus mean when he says that they seem to be living, but...

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Revelation 4

Chapter 4: Read Exodus 19:16-19, 20:18Whose voice is this?What does John mean when he says he was "in the Spirit".Precious stones set into the throne - sardius was a stone used in Aaron's breastplate Exodus 28:17Rainbow - see Exodus 9:13 What do you think the rainbow over the throne symbolizes.What do the 24 elders around...

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Revelation 5

Verses 1-5 Who is involved in verses 1-5?Who holds the book or scroll?How is the scroll sealed?What is happening in these 5 verses?Who answered the angel's question?Why did John weep?What do you think is in the book?In your life, do you seek guidance about things that are hidden to you? According to these verses -...

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Revelation 6

Verses 1-2 The First SealWhich of the four living creatures cries out "Come forward?"Who/what came forward?What does this color horse symbolize?What was the rider given? From whom was it given?What did the rider do after receiving his crown? And for what purpose Verses 3-4 The Second SealWhich of the four living creatures cries out "Come...

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Revelation 7

Verses 1-8 Who is involved in these verses?What would be the consequences of holding the wind back across all of the earth?What kind of power would be required to hold back wind from all over the earth?How many angles were required to hold back the wind over all the earth?What does it mean to have...

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Revelation 8

Verses 1-6 Review Chapter 6.  When does this chapter seem to occur?What does it mean that there was silence in heaven for ½ an hour?What was happening with the angels, the incense, the censer and the alter? Lev 16:3-13What significance is there to the angel casting the censer filled with fire from the alter upon...

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Revelation 9

Verses 1-12 What (or who) is the star? Rev 1:20Who was given the key that opened the shaft of the bottomless pit? What does this mean to you?What came out of the bottomless pit? Consider another parallel with the plagues of Egypt...Now we see why God marked his chosen (Ezek. 9:4)What is different about this...

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Revelation 10

Verses 1-4 Where did this powerful angel come from?What could the cloud symbolize? For reference, see Ex 16:9-10,24:16, 34:5, Nu 11:25, 1Kgs 8:10, Ps 97:2. And in Acts 1:9, a cloud took Jesus out of their sight.Rainbow over his head? Where in Revelation was there a reference to a rainbow? (See Rev 4:3). What does...

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Revelation 11

Verses 1-2 Why is God calling for John to make measurements? What do you think God is trying to accomplish? (Eze_40:1-49)What is to be measured and what is not?Why doesn\'t God want the space outside the house to be measured?What happens to the holy city and for how long? (Dan_9:27; Dan_12:11; 2Th_2:4). Verses 3-14 How...

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Revelation 12

Bible Knowledge Commentary for Chapter 12: Though the seventh trumpet was recorded in Rev_11:15 as sounding, the details of what will come out of the seventh trumpet are not revealed until Rev_16:1-21. Accordingly chapters 12-15 view the prophecies of the end time from another perspective and introduce the great personages who are involved in the...

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Revelation 13

Verses 1-10: Compare where God and Jesus appear in Revelation with where the dragon and the beast appear from? What is the difference? (Rev 12:4)How does the description of the first beast compare with the dragon?Where did the beast receive its power and authority?Why did the world follow after the beast? What does say about...

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Revelation 14

Verses 1-5 Meaning of "Parenthetic" used in NIV chapter title?Who is involved?Where are they? What/who is the source of the sound like "roar of rushing water" (Eze 43:2), "peal of thunder" (Zec 9:14), and "harpist playing their harps" (Psa 150:3-6)?Who are the four living creatures (see Revelation 4:6-8), and what do they represent?Who are the...

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Revelation 15

Verse 1 What does John say about the sign in heaven?How does this compare the other signs he had seen before?How do you know that we are reaching the end of the suffering?What do the plagues represent? Verse 2-4 How does the sea in Rev 15:2 compare to the description in 4:6? What does this...

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Revelation 16

Verses 1-15 What caused the angels to start pouring out their plagues? Who was stricken with sores? What does this say about the character of God? (Exodus 9:10)What caused the boils and who did they afflict? (Exodus 7:19-20)After the first three plagues* what did the angel of the water say (verses 5 and 6) ?...

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Revelation 17

Verses 1-6 Who speaks to John and How?What is the angel showing to John?What does fornication mean?What was the influence of her fornication upon those inhabiting the earth?What affect would that have on people?Have you seen any examples of this on earth today?Where does the angel take John next? Where was the woman seated?Describe the...

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Revelation 18

Review Chapter 17 Verses 1-3 What is the character of the angel described in verse 1?What had happened "past tense" to Babylon that the Angel was reporting?What do you think the text means by unclean and evil spirits?What caused this to happen? What did the kings of the earth and the merchants do? Verses 4...

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Revelation 19

Verses 1-10 Review what happened in chapter 18Describe the attitude of heaven at the destruction of BabylonWhat specific traits of God do they praise? What does this indicate about the character of God.Compare the reaction of heaven to this suffering and torment of Babylon to the world's reaction to a "God that allows bad things...

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Revelation 20

This chapter is the pivotal point for millennial theories (postmillennialism, premillennialism, amillennialism).  The interpretation of this chapter colors your view of the rest of the book of revelation and hinges on whether you take this chapter literally or figuratively. Verses 1-3 Who is involved?What significance is it that the Angel holds the chain and the...

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Revelation 21

Verses 1-4 What has changed in verse 1Describe the traits of a bride made beautiful for her husband - how could those traits be associated with the new Jerusalem?What is happening in verse 3? Compare this presence of God with Genesis, Exodus , AD, and at this point? (Lev 26:11-12,  1Ki_8:27; 2Ch_6:18, Eze_37:27)Compare the Genesis...

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Revelation 22

Review Chapter 21 What happened in Chapter 21What is the new city like and what is it called?Who is in the city and who can come into it? Verses 1-5 Who is involved in these verses?Who is doing the showing in these verses?What similarity do you see in these verses to Genesis 2:9-10What is different?Why...

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