A Visit from a Friend

A set of short stories depicting our different relationships with Jesus. This play is meant to depict different interactions between God and his people. If you don’t think that the audience will understand this, then feel free to offer an introduction narrative. One narrative is included below.

Narrator: We all come to God in our own way and for our own reasons. Some offer the needs of others over their own needs, some have their own will that they need confirmed, some find life’s distractions overwhelming, and others are humble in spirit and seek after God’s face. Which one are you?   The stage is set with two chairs – facing each other. Joshua, the lead character is sitting on one chair and the second one is empty.

Knock on door, he opens the door. Joshua eagerly rises from his seat to greet the visitor.

Joshua: Hello, Lucille. How wonderful to see you. I have been thinking about you all week. Please come, sit and talk with me awhile.

Lucille: (out of breath) Oh hello Joshua, I’m sorry I’m late. I was really rushed this morning.

Joshua: Don’t worry, sit down, relax and tell, me how you have been doing. It is so good to have you here.

Lucille: Oh Joshua, I have a favor to ask you. I know you do so much for me already but this is so important to me. Could you please help my husband find a new job. He is so despondent. And we have so many bills to pay. They are really piling up.

Joshua: Do you think you could have your husband come and have a talk with me? I don’t believe that I even know his name.

Lucille: Uhm, it’s Jeff, I thought you knew him.

Joshua: No, Lucille, I don’t know him. (Said in a remorseful tone)

Lucile: Well, I will make it a point to introduce you but we are just too busy right now. Looking for new jobs and all. And he isn’t the type to just talk or share his feelings. You know, MEN!! (she says with a wink). He is pretty sensitive about losing his job. I’m sure he will give you a call later. He’s just overwhelmed and feeling kind of hopeless about the job and all. Oh, before I forget, do you think you could help my son. In school he is just having such a hard time making friends and all.

Joshua: Have him come over, Danny, isn’t it? I think I can help him with his confidence. Children his age really need to know you love them. Love is the center of their existance.

Lucille: I know, Joshua, but he really wants friends his own age and all. You know how it is. Do you think you could work on the people at school and help him out? I know you have connections with everyone and you could really get the ball rolling on this. Thanks Joshua. One more thing. I hate to unload but I know how much you care about all my problems and that’s why I bring them to you all the time (she offers a nervous laugh). You are so great to take care of me like you do. I heard Mary is having surgery next week. Do you think you could be with her and make sure everything goes okay. And have a talk with her doctors – you know help them along. I’m really concerned…

Joshua (interrupting) I am always with Mary, just as I am with you and Danny. I’ll take care of her. Lucille, could I bring you some tea or something. Please I would love for you to just sit and rest with me. You are wonderful to worry about those you love but I’m concerned about you.

Lucille: Well, I would love to, but I see it’s time to go. It was so wonderful to see you and I’ll try to be back by next week. Bye Joshua.

2nd visitor


Joshua: Hi Barbara. Great to see you. I’m so glad you could come this week. Please sit down. Can I get you anything.

Barbara. Hi Joshua. No, I don’t want anything today.

Joshua: How have things been going?

Barbara. (Looking distracted. Looking around. Barbara doesn’t talk but you can hear her thoughts over the speaker. All the while Barbara’s voice is sounding over the speakers, Joshua is pantomiming talking to her). “Wow, wonder if he would notice if I left early. Last time it seemed to last forever. Today I’m having company coming for brunch. Wonder how Sally and Tim are doing. I haven’t seen Sally in such a long time. Hope she doesn’t notice how much weight I’ve gained. Maybe I shouldn’t have fixed that chocolate trifle for desert. The way Tim eats I hope I bought enough ham. It’s so nerve-wracking to try to get everything together.

Joshua: clears throat. Barbara?

Barbara. OH! Barbara looks at watch and looks relieved and gets up to go. When she gets up Joshua goes to hug her and she gives a quick peck on cheek. Love you, Joshua. Gotta go.

Joshua: Can’t you stay awhile longer?

Barbara: No, I’m sorry but company is coming. You know how it is.

Joshua: Will I see you next week?

Barbara: Well, I will try to come but I do have a meeting on that day and I don’t want to spread myself too thin. I swear, if I do too much and don’t get enough rest, I just come down with the worst colds. Don’t want that, do we? Bye… (As she speaks the last few sentences, she is walking off the stage in haste)

3nd visitor


Joshua: Come in, come in Adam.

Adam: Hi Joshua, great to see you again. I don’t have a lot of time, but I wanted to seek your advice on an important decision.

Joshua: Adam, you know I care about even the littlest thing in your life. This one sounds important, sit down and let’s talk.

Adam: Well, see, I’ve got this great job opportunity that will almost double my salary. It will require me to move away from my family, and from this church, and I will have to leave my wife behind for a few months until I get settled, but the upside is tremendous.

Joshua: Well, it certainly sounds like this decision will…

Adam: Exactly what I was thinking – it will set the stage for the rest of my career. This company is the springboard for great future potential. Everyone wants to land a job with this place, everyone.

Joshua: Adam, I don’t think you understand, I was going to say that …

Adam: I know, it will be lots of change, but isn’t that what you are always telling us, step out on faith, well this is it. Almost double my salary. Of course a lot of the annual salary is based on stock options, but this place has been printing money for the last 2 years and there’s no sign of stopping.

Joshua: Adam!!

Adam: Yeah?

Joshua: Adam, will you please listen to me?

Adam: I have been, it sounds like you are pretty much on board with this whole thing. Well, gotta go, thanks so much for supporting me in this decision. It isn’t an easy one and, frankly, my wife isn’t all too keen on the whole idea, but I told her I would ask you about it and would do whatever you said. Thanks a lot for your help Joshua. (Adam gets up and leaves before Joshua has a chance to say anything).

4th visitor

Larry: Joshua, it is so great to see you. How I missed you. My wife and I have been so looking forward to coming to see you. Our visits here really make our week.

Joshua: It is always a pleasure seeing you Larry. Please come in and take a seat.

Larry: (He pulls his chair up closer to Joshua’s.) Joshua, I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for my family. You helped me to get through my doctor’s appointment on Wednesday. I was scared by all the bad news but you were there and I know you will be with me through all the treatments and surgery, too. You don’t know what it means to me to have you there. And I am so grateful for all you have done for my wife. She couldn’t make it through this ordeal without your help either.

Joshua: You know how I love you and your family. You mean everything to me.

Larry: We can’t possibly repay you.

Joshua: Your Love and devotion is all that I ask in return.

Larry: Please, Joshua. Let me do something for you. What can I do for you?

Joshua: You know that doctor who is treating you, Dr. Hansen.

Larry; Yes

Joshua: Invite him over someday, okay?

Larry: Done

Joshua: Well done, my good and faithful servant.

— Written by Becky and Chris Shenefiel