Revelation 1

Verses 1-7:

  • Source of the words:
  • What does the word Revelation mean?
  • What does the word soon mean?
  • Whose Revelation is this?
  • Who gave it to Jesus?
  • Who is giving it to John?
  • When will the revelation come to pass?
  • How much of this revelation will come to pass?
  • What exactly is John Testifying
  • Based on this information, why should we study Revelations?
  • How does this affect the way you study this book?
  • Compare verses 1:1-3 and Revelation 22:6-8.  Can you describe what these verses are saying?
  • Compare Daniel 7:9-14.  What similar descriptions of God the Father and Jesus do you see in these verses?
  • Recipient/Reader
  • What does the reader/reciter of this book receive?
  • What does the one who hears the words receive?
  • What condition must be met before the recipient of the book can receive their blessing?
  • Why should people heed the things written in this book?
  • Introduction/Salutation
  • Who is John writing to?
  • Who is sending salutations and grace to the seven churches?
  • What doctrine is present in this salutation?
  • What does it mean * the first born of the dead?
  • What does John say that Jesus blood has made us?

Verses 7-9

  • Who will see Jesus when he comes?
  • Will there be rejoicing when the earth sees Jesus coming?
  • What does it mean to you when the Lord God says \”I am the alpha and the omega?\”
  • Do you think there is any meaning to the use of the words \”is to come\” or \”is coming\” instead of will come, or will come again?
  • Why was John on the island of Patmos?

Verses 10-16

  • What day did John receive this revelation and how did he receive it?
  • What did John see when he turned to look at the voice speaking to him?
  • What do you think the seven lampstands symbolize? (Ex 25:37, Ex 27:21)
  • If the lampstands (7) symbolize those things that hold up the light of Jesus to others (churches), then what does Jesus walking among them mean to you?
  • Describe the physical charactistics of the Son of Man:
    • His clothes
    • His feet (Daniel 10:6)
    • His voice (Ezekiel 43:2, Ezekiel 1:24)
    • His mouth (Hebrews 4:12)
    • His face (Exodus 34:29)

Verses 17-20

  • How does John react when he sees Jesus? Is this a different reaction than the one he had while Jesus was on earth? Why?
  • What does Jesus do to console John? (Isa 44:6)
  • What does Jesus say about himself?
  • What does this mean to you and your relationship with him?
  • Jesus explains what the lampstands and stars mean. What does this tell you about what he means for this revelation?