Matthew 11

Verses 1-6

  1. What question does John the Baptist ask his disciples to ask Jesus?
  2. What does this reveal about John’s character?
  3. Why do you think John asked this question?
  4. What is Jesus response? – Review different translations for Verse 6.
  5. How can you apply this your life?

Verses 7-15

  1. Discuss how Jesus questions the motives for people going out to see John the Baptist:
    1. a reed shaking in the wind?
    2. a man dressed in fine clothing?
  2. Name at least three traits that Jesus gives to John?
  3. How does John compare to those among men?
  4. How does John compare to those in Heaven?
  5. Who does Jesus say John is?
  6. Why does Jesus apply the condition “And if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah, the one who is to come.”
  7. What does Jesus mean when He says “For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John”?

Verses 16-30

  1. What age does Jesus liken this generation?
  2. How does He describe the generations’ reaction to John?
  3. How does He describe the generations’ reaction to Himself?
  4. Why did Jesus reproach the cities?
  5. Study each city using the cross references in your bibles.
  6. What is Jesus reproach for Capernaum and how dies it compare with Sodom?
  7. Is this relevant for our cities today?
  8. What does verse 27 mean to you?

What comfort and warning is there in verses 27-30?