Revelation 13

Verses 1-10:

  • Compare where God and Jesus appear in Revelation with where the dragon and the beast appear from? What is the difference? (Rev 12:4)
  • How does the description of the first beast compare with the dragon?
  • Where did the beast receive its power and authority?
  • Why did the world follow after the beast? What does say about the character of the world and of the beast?
  • Why does the world worship the dragon? What does this reveal about the world?
  • How did the beast speak blasphemies against God? Who do you think gave him the mouth and authority?
  • Who else did he blaspheme? What is the tabernacle?
  • Who are the saints? Who has given him power to make war with them? What happens to he saints?
  • Was there any limit to the beast\’s authority in this world? Who could give that kind of authority?
  • Who will worship the dragon?
  • How long have the names of the saved been written in the Lamb’s book of life?
  • How do you understand verse 10?

Verses 11-18

  • Where does this second beast come from?
  • What can you learn about its character when you read the description?
  • What is the purpose of the second beast and from who does it receive its authority?
  • Why would the second beast cause men to make an image of the first beast?
  • What power did the image have?
  • Can you compare the mark of the beast with the mark that God gave the 144,000? What was each mark for?
  • Review this chapter and find the number of things that the dragon and the two beasts do that are exactly the opposite of God’s laws. Can you see the pattern of deceit from the powers of this world?