Psalm 16

PSALM 16  David has found the secret of contentment even in the time of crisis. Yet the tone of this Psalm is not despair or complaint; it is settled joy. Despite his trouble, David had a praising confidence in his God

1 Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge.

2 I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.”

3 I say of the holy people who are in the land, “They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight.”

4 Those who run after other gods will suffer more and more. I will not pour out libations of blood to such gods or take up their names on my lips.

5 Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.

6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

7 I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.

8 I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure,

10 because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your faithful one see decay.

11 You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.


I.  God is enough (1-2)

II. God delights in His people (3-6)

III His people delight in Him (7-9)

IV. God pours out eternal blessings (10-11)

THEME: Contentment and trust that God will proide what we need


Where does David take refuge?

What are other things people may take refuge in?

What is David saying in verse 3?

What does David mean “you are my portion and my cup?”

What does David say happens to those who run after other gods?

What does David mean when he says the Lord counsels him and instructs him?

What is the “path of life” that God made known to David?

PARALLEL VERSES for Psalm 16:3

New Living: The godly people in the land are my true heroes! I take pleasure in them!

Contemporary English: Your people are wonderful, and they make me happy,

Good News: How excellent are the LORD’s faithful people! My greatest pleasure is to be with them.

God’s Word: Those who lead holy lives on earth are the noble ones who fill me with joy.


Acts 17:26 and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation

Deuteronomy 32:8 – When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, When He separated the sons of man, He set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the sons of Israel.

Psalm 31:14-15- But I am trusting you, O LORD, saying, “You are my God! My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me.

Nehemiah 9:22- You also gave them kingdoms and peoples, And allotted them to them as a boundary.

Job 14:5=You have decided the length of our lives. You know how many months we will live, and we are not given a minute longer.

Psalm 73:26 “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Lamentations: “the Lord is my portion,” says my soul. Therefore I will hope in him.”

Proverbs 13:20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

Zephaniah 3:17 – The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing

John 16:13 – When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.

Isaiah 30:21 – And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.

John 11:25 – Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.

Psalm 23:5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.


The Hebrew word for “portion” has to do with a ration or a part of something divided. “The Lord is the portion of my inheritance.” Inheritance refers to the allotment of land given to Israel when they entered the Promised Land. A family inheritance was of great importance in Hebrew society. The land was given by God to the people of Israel. Mosaic Law specified that a family’s portion of land must remain in the family (Numbers 36:7).  But the Israelites came to learn that God Himself was the portion or inheritance of his people. Christians are also fellow-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17; Galatians 4:7).“God is my portion,” means that God is the source of our happiness and blessing. David is content with all that the Lord is and provides. As king, David had riches, honor, friends and fame—but to him nothing was as valuable as having God and the promises of God. If God is our portion, we need nothing else.

The “cup” is symbolic of many things, particularly in the Old Testament. It’s mentioned in the New Testament too. Jeremiah talks of God’s wrath as the “pouring out of a cup.” There is also the “cup of consolation” and the “cup of overflowing joy.” In the New Testament, Jesus compared his suffering at the cross to “a cup.”  Before he was arrested he knew what lay before him. He prayed to his Father, “If it be possible, may this “cup” be taken from me.”  But he also knew this was what his Father had planned for the salvation of mankind. So when Peter tried to defend Him with a sword. Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the “cup” the Father has given me?” This cup was judgment for the sins of the world. Everyone who turns their back on Jesus will drink “that cup of judgment” for themselves.

David’s goodness, as precious as it was, was of small value without his relationship with God.  “Apart from you I have nothing.” David is content with what God has given him. A mark of our age – especially with the Baby Boom generation and maybe even more with those following generation – is discontentment, boredom, and restlessness. A generation with short attention spans, the constant need for excitement and adrenaline rushes, and 24-hour a day entertainment needs to know by experience what David knew.

David put God first in his life and determined that God would always be his focus. This decision to set God always before one’s self does have a cost, and the cost should be counted and appreciated. It may cost us certain pleasures, popularity, anonymity, family relationships, career choices, financial priorities, etc. Yet David knew happiness and a glory by this commitment that he wouldn’t have known otherwise.

David knew that God would not abandon his soul in the grave, but that his life would continue on in the presence of God. He trusted in some sort of resurrection and afterlife. He knew death wasn’t the end and that he’d see God face to face after death. This is the hope and belief of all believers. John 6:40 – For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”

In today’s world, people trust in many other things. Bank accounts, IRAs, brokerage accounts, and insurance are where most people turn to for security. These give them peace of mind. But money saved over a life time can go up in smoke in a moment. The stock market crash of 1929, the 2008 financial crisis and the 2000 dot com bubble are examples. Tens of millions of people who were flying high, suddenly lost everything (or at least a big chunk.) No longer could they enjoy the retirement they hoped for. Some had to go back to work again. Worry and stress hit sky high levels.

Believers are not immune to losing money. But those who trust in God are still able to sleep at night. If a person trusts in money, he will spend his time and energy working to get money. The one who trusts in God will spends his time and energy building his relationship to God. Everything belongs to God. The world came into existence by the force of his spoken word. Nothing is too difficult for him to give to you. If he hasn’t given it to you, it’s because it’s not good for you right now. Remember that God cares far more for our character and relationship with Him than with our comfort.

Many all of us have been around  those who always want more no matter how much they have. Materialism breeds greed and discontent. Companies constantly advertise how we need to upgrade perfectly usable products or electronics to the latest and greatest “must haves.” Once someone asked Rockefeller, the richest person in the world at that time, “How much money is enough?” He said, “A little more.” And he lived that way. Some people go through their life being discontent. They don’t focus on the present but always dream of the greener grass on the other side. Next time you struggle with discontent, remember that you don’t lack. Change your complaining into thanksgiving and count your blessings.

Some parents laugh and say “how cute,” when their child misbehaves. God does not. Sin makes Him angry. There are two aspects of God’s character, love and justice. Both qualities are present, held in tension. People who reject following God for other things will reap the consequences of rebellion. Sometimes these troubles are seen. Other times it is in unseen guilt and stress. But in the end, there will be ultimate justice.

“In the night my heart instructs me”– God gave us a conscience.  When our consciences are continually fed by truth they they will powerful moral compasses to help steer us through challenging decisions. If you feed yourself lots of garbage (think R rated movies) then your conscience will become dull and and your moral compass will get further off. When you draw close to God, you become more sensitive to His leading and that still, quiet voice.

God’s “portion” to us may include adversity, hardship, and suffering. His cup may contain difficulties. But on the other side of difficulties awaits our delightful inheritance. David lived much of his life running from Saul. In the running he learned some lessons on waiting for God’s perfect and sovereign plan.

David enjoyed the bounty of palace life. He was bathed in luxury, wealth, and had every advantage. With all his advantages he still concludes: “apart from God I have no good thing.” David found this truth through the hardships and trials he experienced. When God is all you’ve got, you find He is all you need.

David attended the school of hard knocks where every adversity was a faith-producing lesson. Most of our hardships pale in comparison to all David experienced. However, the degree of difficulty doesn’t matter. When you experience pain, sorrow, heartache, and disappointment, suffering is still suffering. But when we go through challenging times, we come out the other side with stronger faith. We are always tempted to find a quick resolution. Paul counsels us to let the trial work itself out because he knew this is the way our faith matures.

The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence, doesn’t it? Failing to accept the portion God assigns us leads to jealousy and envy. When I feel a twinge of envy I remember that God redraws our boundary lines and changes our portion as we mature in our faith.  If we allow ourselves to be distracted by jealousy and envy, we will be unable to receive His instruction and counsel.

Read Jeremiah 29:11-13.What kind of plans does God have for you? What will be found when we seek Him? The boundaries God sets for us are for our safety and security. God’s plans are good, full of hope, and perfectly timed. We can seek and find Him as we stay within the safety and security of our boundaries.

My reflection on Psalm 16

“You have assigned me my portion and my cup. You have made my lot secure.” This a part of the psalm that resonated with me so I memorized it. It’s comforting to know that God has my life planned out. I’m a terrible planner. And not knowing what lies ahead, I sometimes make bad decisionw, especially if I decide something without consulting God.  Even when I do ask God and I move forward,  sometimes things don’t turn out exactly like I had envisioned or hoped for. But I know that even then, there’s a reason that God hasn’t make it smooth sailing. There may be a lesson in it for me, maybe one of patience or trust or of not always getting what I want. But whatever happens in my life, I know a loving God is in control.

Psalm 139: 13-16 says : For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret place.”  How precious that God knew me even before I was born. And he had a plan for my entire life. He guides me like the Good Shepherd he is and keeps me on the path he has laid out for me. No one messes with God’s plan. No one has that kind of power. He has assigned me my portion in life- the spiritual gifts he gives me and my talents. He guides me to the places he wants me to live, to the person I’m to marry, to the friends I make, and the career path I follow. Nothing can stop God’s plan in my life. I can make bad choices and pay the consequences,  but God always steers me back on his path. He assigns the cups in my life too- the sufferings I must go through not only to learn lessons, but to strengthen my faith. And from those very suffereings I’m able to reach out and comfort others who have experienced the same kind of losses.

When my daughter died, I thought my life was over.  I drank from a bitter cup of suffering. But I never drew closer to God then I did at that time. I felt his presence in a stronger way than I had ever experienced before. His comfort was palpable. Through this, I was able to offer comfort and understanding to others who lost their children. No one can understand the pain unless you have gone through the same or similar kind of pain.  I learned compassion. But it also brought me to a new career in nursing. I would volunteer at night to go to hospitals to pray for people confined there. I volunteered in nursing homes, and went into healing prayer minstry. Even though I had a great loss, God brought something good out of it and changed the direction of my life.

God has also made my lot secure. I’ve heard people say that this is their “lot” in life and it sounds a little depressing. It’s not an uplifting statement but rather defeating. Yet when I hear David say it I get a new understanding of what it means. The dictionary defines it as “to preserve.” God has given me blessings in life, he gives me the righteousness of Jesus to cover my sins, an eternal home in heaven where I’ll be reunited with everyone in my life that I loved and lost. He gives me guidance, protection and most of all his unconditional love and forgivness. He accepts me as I am with all my faults and failures. Does this “lot” in life sounds depressing! No. And this is the lot that God has made secure in my life. I will one day be able to stand in his presence and kneel before him to worship him as my Lord and Savior and kiss those nail scarred hands, those scars put there because of my sin. I will join David and my daughter in singing  praises to God forever.

SONG: If I stand by Rich Mullins, Amazing Grace