Revelation 7

Verses 1-8

  • Who is involved in these verses?
  • What would be the consequences of holding the wind back across all of the earth?
  • What kind of power would be required to hold back wind from all over the earth?
  • How many angles were required to hold back the wind over all the earth?
  • What does it mean to have the “seal of the living God”?
  • What does it mean to “seal the servants of our God on their foreheads”?
  • Who are to be marked?
  • What significance is there to 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel?
  • Based on these passages, describe what you know about the timing of marking the 144,000?

Verses 9-12

  • Are the 144,000 the only ones in heaven? What verse proves this?
  • What is it that belongs to their God and to the Lamb?
  • Review and try to understand the various offerings the angels give to God in verse 12. How does this describe God?

Verse 13-17

  • Does John ask about those in white robes?
  • Has there been a reference to any other beings in heaven besides elders, angels, God, the Lamb and the four creatures before this? What does this mean to you?
  • What does it mean to you to come “out of the great tribulation”?
  • What light does this shed on verse 9 and when this might be happening?
  • In the beginning of this chapter, we have angles poised to wreck havoc on the earth but are stopped in time to mark the 144,000. Then we see heaven with a great multitude from every nation worshiping God and Jesus who came “out of the great tribulation”. What does this timing indicate to you?
  • What do the ones in white robes do?
  • What reward is offered from their worship? How does this compare to our lives here on earth today?
  • What other benefits can we expect in heaven?
  • From whom do these blessings flow?
  • What does it mean to: 1) be our sheherd, 2) guide us to living water?
  • Who will wipe tears away from our eyes?
  • What does this passage attribute to God and what to the Lamb? Pray and think about this?