
Matthew 1

Read together Isaiah 53. Reflect on the time and setting for this chapter. Matthew 1:1-17 What is the point of this verse section?What is different about this genealogy?Read Ruth togetherRead together 2 Samuel 11-12:24Read together Genesis 38.Why would Matthew use these as highlights of Jesus genealogy? Matthew 1:17 What is significant about this verse to...

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Matthew 2

Matthew 2:1-12 Who were the wise men? (Daniel 2:12 *"For this cause the king was angry and very furious, and commanded to destroy all the wise men of Babylon."* , Acts 13:6 *"And when they had gone through the whole island unto Paphos, they found a certain {1} sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose...

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Matthew 3

Matthew 3:1-12 Describe your first impression of John the Baptist.Why did John lash out at the Pharisees and Sadducees and what did he ask them?What did John say was required of Sinners like the Pharisees and Sadducees before they could be Baptized?How did John say the Pharisees and Sadducees were deceiving themselves?What urgency and consequence...

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Matthew 5

Matthew 5:1-12 Blessed - what does this mean to you.Poor in Spirit - What does this mean to you? 2 Chronicles 7,14:2 Chronicles 33:12,19,23; 34:27Psalms 34:18- The LORD is close to the brokenhearted, saves those whose spirit is crushed.Psalms 51:17-My sacrifice, God, is a broken spirit; God, do not spurn a broken, humbled heart. They...

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Matthew 6

Matthew 6:1-18 - Jesus Teaches on Outward Signs 6:1-4 - The intention and spirit attitude for Giving6:5-15 - The Intention and spirit attitude for Prayer.6:16-18 - The Intention and spirit attitude for Fasting.6:17 - What does this verse mean?In Verses 1-18: How can you apply Jesus teachings in your daily life?What new insight did you...

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Matthew 7

Verses 1-5: What does the word judge mean to you?What is Jesus command regarding judging?On what grounds does Jesus explain that we should not judge?What does Jesus mean *"The measure with which you measure will be measured out to you"* in Verse 2?Discuss the comparison between the beam and the splinter: Who in the story...

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Matthew 8

Verses 1-4 Who is involved here?Where is it happening?Summarize each verse with a short sentence.Summarize Verses 1-4 in one short sentence.What did it take to get Jesus' attention?How did Jesus respond to the Leper?How long did it take for the Leper to be clean?Contrast this to the process described in Leviticus 13:49-56.Read Isaiah 42:1-4 for...

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Matthew 9

Verses 1-8 Where did this healing take place?What did Jesus see before he healed the sick man?What did Jesus heal and in what order?What did the scribes object to and why?Did the scribes voice their objection to Jesus?How did Jesus respond to the scribes objections?What was Jesus' reason for physically heal the sick man?What major...

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Matthew 10

Verses 1-4 How were the disciples gathered?What authority did Jesus give the twelve disciples?What are the names of the twelve disciples? Verses 5-15 Where did Jesus tell the disciples to go? Why?What were the disciples commanded to do?Were the disciples commanded to convert people to Christianity?How were the disciples to support themselves? Why?Explain "worthy person"...

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Matthew 11

Verses 1-6 What question does John the Baptist ask his disciples to ask Jesus?What does this reveal about John's character?Why do you think John asked this question?What is Jesus response? - Review different translations for Verse 6.How can you apply this your life? Verses 7-15 Discuss how Jesus questions the motives for people going out...

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Matthew 12

Verses 1-8 What is the Pharisees accusation?How does Jesus counter the accusation? Prophecy fulfilled: 1 Samuel 21:6Explain what you believe Jesus means with the reference to the Priests on the Sabbath. What does Jesus mean when he says "I desire mercy, not sacrifice?"What is Jesus final reply to the Pharisees accusation? What does that mean...

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