Jail Visit

The overwhelming power of God’s mercy.

The Scene opens with a man (Joey) sitting in a chair on stage by himself. He is sitting in a jail visitor cell. There is another chair seated directly opposite him. (He stands up as he sees a female guard escort another woman (Helen) onto the stage)

Joey: Helen, I don’t know where I would be without your visits once a month. This is a dark place, believe me, with some really bad people. You bring just a little light into my life. I don’t know what I would do if you stopped coming.

Helen: I can’t possibly imagine what it must be like for you, Joey. I pray to God for your safety and salvation every day.

Joey: I know you talk about God a lot, but I just don’t know. I haven’t seen God do anything for me in my life, so why should I even give him a second thought?

Helen: I remember when Katie was having her first baby. She was in labor and the baby was having some problems. Katie said “if God hurts my baby, I swear…” and I snapped back “Katie-Ann Smithson, you don’t even…..\’

Joey: (Interrupts) Katie-Ann…. Helen, in all these months, you never told me your last name. Did you just say Smithson?

Helen: Yes, I did.

Joey: You are Katie-Ann Smithson’s mother? What? I can’t believe it… I just can’t believe it…

Helen: Yes, Joey. I am Katie’s mother. Mother of the girl that you attacked. (Joey stands up and starts to leave)

Helen: Joey, where are you going?

Joey: Well, I gotta get out o’ here, that’s for sure.

Helen: Joey, you sit right back down here and let me explain.

Joey: What’s to explain? I see it all real clear. You are just looking for a way to hurt me, get revenge on me because I attacked your daughter. Well, listen. That ain’t gonna happen. I’m not gonna let you.

Helen: Joey, I forgive you. I forgave you before I started visiting you.

Joey: What’s all this forgiveness stuff – I didn’t really do anything wrong. Why should I care if you forgive me?

Helen: You should care because I am the only person who visits you once a month. (Joey sits slowly back down – carefully eyeing Helen)

Helen: Joey, don’t you see. God knows you need him. We all do. He put it in my heart to forgive you so that I – the least likely person on the whole planet – can lead you to him. (Almost to herself) Isn’t that just the way he works – picks the least likely and builds them up to achieve the impossible.

Joey: Oh, great, so now I am someone’s pet project – well, no thanks. Wait a minute. What are you talking about. I attacked your daughter. How can YOU forgive ME!!

Helen: Well, truth is, I can’t – or I couldn’t until the Holy Spirit helped me. I hated you. What you did to my Katie was inexcusable. I saw you as an evil, filthy, beast. I even prayed to God to help me find a way to avenge what you did to my daughter. But instead, do you know what he said to me? He said “If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you.” He taught me to pray: “Forgive us our sins AS as WE have forgiven those who have sinned against us”. It was then that my heart broke for you and my hate and anger turned to overwhelming love for you, Joey. I had to come and visit you and share that love with you.

Joey: What do you want from me?

Helen: I want you to know my God, Joey. Because that is your only hope. (Joey sits quite for a few beats)

Joey: I don’t know…

Helen: Joey, I love you as God helps me to love you. Please let me tell you about him. How his power can turn me from a vengeful, angry person into someone that brings light into your day. Please, Joey?

Joey: Man, I don’t understand this at all. (Pause)

Joey: Helen?

Helen: Yes, Joey?

Joey: What did it feel like?

Helen: What, Joey?

Joey: When you changed from wanting to kill me? What did that feel like?

Helen: Like sunshine bursting through a cloudy day – perfect and peaceful. Like a heavy burden was lifted from my shoulders.

Joey: Don’t get much sunshine here, Helen. I could use some right about now. Tell me about this God of yours.

Helen: God of ours, Joey…

Copyright Chris Shenefiel, February 22, 2002. Copy and Use Permitted.