Proverbs 2

Verses 1-5

  • How shoud we treat God’s words?
  • How do you treat treasure? Is that how you treat God’s wisdom?
  • How are we to use our ears, hearts, voices, and mind?
  • What will we receive and how will we receive it?
  • Is there a difference in the way we seek after financial things than how we seek after God’s wisdom?
  • Explain what you think verse 5 means.

Verses 6-9

  • Who is the source of wisdom?
  • What does God to for those who follow his wisdom?
  • What does it mean to be a buckler for those who walk upright and to lay up sound wisdom for the righteous?
  • What does verse 8 say to you?
  • What would it be like to understand righteousness and judgement and equity in verse 9.
  • Does he give these gifts to anyone?

Verses 10-22

  • What happens when wisdom enters your heart? Is there any part of you that denies wisdom?
  • What does discretion mean to you?
  • What is the nature of the evil man? What does he believe and how does he tempt?
  • What is the nature of the the strange woman? What does she believe and how does she tempt?
  • What is the ultimate end of the strange woman?
  • What separates those who have wisdom and those who do not? (Verses 20-22)