Revelation 2

Verses 1-7

  • Who is offering words to the church of Ephesus?
  • Who is he offering the words to?
  • Verse 2, Jesus states that he knows their labor, and endurance and many more things about the church of Ephesus? What does this tell you about Jesus’ relationship with the churches of this world?
  • Verse 4-5 is Jesus admonition for the church of Ephesus. What do you think he means by “you have lost the love you had at first?” Does this apply to you?
    • See also Acts 19:23-41, Ephesians 1:15-16, Acts 20:31-38.  What did the Ephesians have some 30 years before.  What did they lose?
    • Love – see Mat 22:37
  • Verse 6 – What is Jesus doing in this verse for the church of Ephesus? Does he do the same for us all when he rebukes us?
  • Verse 7 – What must we do if we are to be rewarded and what is the reward?

Verses 8-11

  • What differences do you see in Jesus’ advice for the Church of Smyrna as compared to the church of Ephesus?
  • Why is Smyrna suffering?
  • Verse 9 – Jesus describes Smyrna’s situation clearly. How does he comfort them?
  • Which church would you rather be in Ephesus, or Smyrna? Be careful what you wish for..
  • Verse 11 – explain what you think this verse means.
  • Compare Verses 11 with verse 7. How do they compare?
  • Compare Jesus introduction of himself in Verses 1 and 8 – how do they compare and what does this mean to you?
  • How can you apply Jesus words to the church of Smyrna to your life?

Verses 12-17

  • How does Jesus’ introduction in Verse 12 set the stage for the rest of his words for the church of Pergamum?
  • Does Jesus expect any less from his people if they live in Satan’s den?
  • Numbers 31:16, II Peter 2:15, and Jude 1:11 describe Balaam further. Given these descriptions of Balaam, and Jesus’s description what would be a contemporary example for what some inside the Church of Pergamum were doing?
  • What does Jesus ask of the church of Pergamum and warn of if they do not?
  • Verse 17 gives the victor hidden manna. See Joh 6:31-35. What do you think “hidden manna means?” (Exodus 25:21-22,30)
  • Which would you prefer, hidden manna or idol\’s meat? If hidden manna, what does Jesus require of you?
  • What else does Jesus promise to give the victor over idoltry.
  • Compare Verse 17 with with 11 and 7.

Verses 18-29

  • Each church, Jesus speaks as he does in Verse 19. Why does he do this? What do you learn about his character from this?
  • What was Jezebel’s sin. Even though she is leading his people to idoltry and sinning herself, what does Verse 21 say about the character of Jesus? What does this mean to you and your relationship with him?
  • What is the punishment for Jezebel and her followers? Is there hope for them, even after punishment? What does mean to you and your relationship with Jesus? What does this reveal about Jesus character?
  • What reason does Jesus give for punishing Jezebel, her followers and her children? (Verse 23)
  • What does Jesus say to those who have not followed Jezebel? Does this explain how Jesus treats Sin? Why would you want to avoid sin in the first place? How can you avoid sin?
  • Are the ones in Thyatira who did not follow Jezebel free from obligation? If you don’t sin, are you free from obligation?
  • What reward is given those who keep God’s word until the end?
  • What are the characteristics of someone who keep God’s ways until the end? (Verse 26) Does that describe you?
  • Does the rule that Jesus describes in verse 27 and 28 sound like salvation or judgement?
  • What does Jesus mean by “will give the morning star” in verse 28 and why is this important?
  • Who should heed and hear the words given to the churches? Does that include us?


  • Do you think Jesus knows the work of your Church?
  • <Personal question> do you think that Jesus has guidance and words for your church? Is Jesus speaking to you about what he wants from your church? If so, what will you do about it?