Revelation 8

Verses 1-6

  • Review Chapter 6.  When does this chapter seem to occur?
  • What does it mean that there was silence in heaven for ½ an hour?
  • What was happening with the angels, the incense, the censer and the alter? Lev 16:3-13
  • What significance is there to the angel casting the censer filled with fire from the alter upon the earth?

Verses 7-13

  • Why do you think God orchestrated the events with the 7 angels to unfold the way they did?
  • Compare the Egyptian plagues with the 4 angels’ trumpets:
    • Hail storm mixed with blood upon the earth killing 1/3 of the trees and all the grass.. Egypt hail storm destroyed crops but not all – wheat and rye were not destroyed (Exo_9:23-25)
    • Mountain cast into the sea turning it into blood 1/3 of the creatures and 1/3 of the ships were destroyed
    • 1/3 of the sun and moon and stars were darkened – Egypt a darkness came over Egypt but not over the Jews ( Exo_10:21-23)
  • Note – Egyptian judgments applied so that they would do God\’s will with a chance to repent and change their ways at each plague.
  • Do you think there is a relationship between the Egyptian plagues and the consequences of the angel trumpets?
  • What do the results of the angel’s trumpets reveal about God?
  • Egyptian Plagues:
    1. Rivers to blood, fish die, rivers undrinkable
    2. Frogs infested everything
    3. The land becomes infested with lice – but this is the first time that magicians could not duplicate
    4. Swarms of flies upon Egypt, but not upon the Jews.
    5. Plague on the livestock of Egyptians, but not upon the Jews.
    6. Ashes from the furnace becomes boils upon the Egyptians
    7. Hail – worst ever seen with fire running around the ground – but protected the cattle of the Jews – it broke every tree and destroyed every cattle. But no hail on the Jews. Only some of the crops destroyed.
    8. Locusts – to eat the residue of the crops that have survived and every tree.
    9. Darkness over all the earth except for the place of the Jews
    10. Death angel to kill the firstborn of every Egyptian.