Revelation 17

Verses 1-6

  • Who speaks to John and How?
  • What is the angel showing to John?
  • What does fornication mean?
  • What was the influence of her fornication upon those inhabiting the earth?
  • What affect would that have on people?
  • Have you seen any examples of this on earth today?
  • Where does the angel take John next? Where was the woman seated?
  • Describe the clothes that the woman was wearing and compare that to the clothing described in John 3:18.
  • What do we usually associate purple and gold colors with?
  • What do we associate scarlet with?
  • How does this describe the difference between rewards of heaven and rewards of earth?
  • Throughout Revelations, Gold is often referred to in a Holy context – (Gold Lampstands; 1:13,30, 2:1, golden vials full of incense; 5:8, golden censer: 8:3, golden altar before God; 9:13, the crown on the one like the Son of Man; 14:14, and the golden bands at the breats of the 7 angels, Golden vials full of the wrath of God; 15:7) – Now, it shown in a very different light. Associated with the finery of the Harlot. What does this mean to you?
  • The writing on her forehead – according to Matthew Henry, it was the custom of imupdent harlots to hang out signs with thier names so that all would know who they were. What does this sign say about this one?
  • What does it mean to be “drunk with the blood of the saints”? What causes someone to drink to excess? What is the state of mind of that person when they are drunk? What does this say about her preference for the blood of martyrs of Jesus and the saints?
  • What was John’s reaction to all this? Would that be your reaction, too?

Verses 7-14

  • What does the angel promise to do for John and why?
  • What does the angel mean when he describes the condition of the beast?
  • What is the reaction of those dwelling on earth who aren’t in the Book of Life?
  • What will cause that reaction and what does that mean to you? Why will only the ones whose names are not written in the Book of Life marvel when they behold what happens to be beast?
  • What does the angel reveal about the 7 heads – what/who they are and current condition?
  • There is a reference to a beast that was really one of the seven kings – what do you think that means?
  • Consider the nature of the heads, the woman, the kings and the beast. Describe how they relate and work together to sustain their existence to battle the Lamb.
  • What will happen to the Lamb?
  • Why does he win?
  • Who does he carry with him into victory?
  • What does this reveal about the nature of Jesus?

Verses 15-18

  • What does the angel say about the waters? What is the harlot\’s position relative to the waters (nations, people, crowds and tongues).
  • What will happen to the harlot and who will inflict the judgement?
  • Who ultimately is shown to be incontrol of these events? Why will the horns turn against the harlot?
  • Who is the woman?
  • What do these final verses teach you about the nature and power of evil?