Proverbs 1

  • Wisdom of Many Generations.
  • Job/Ecclesiastes/Proverbs/some Psalms — Wisdom Literature
  • Wisdom was course of study for those to serve in Court – Israel and Egypt


  • Cross-reference 1 Kings 4:30-34 vs. Matt 12:42
  • Purpose of the book?
  • Who for — elite?
  • Why study?
  • What is Wisdom (Ex 35:35)
  • What is instruction?
    • Fruit experience – older and wiser
    • Disciplined living – fruit of spirit Gal 5:23
  • Wise dealing? Daily life – traits we want?
  • Matt 10:16 — Prudence
  • What is simple — see 20-22
  • What is a Proverb?
    • Saying that illuminates
    • Stands test of time
    • Sets example
    • Saying that rules behavior
  • What is a figure?


  • What is fear of the Lord? Isaiah 8:13, Ecc 12:13
  • What does faith bring?


  1. Appeal
  2. Advice
  3. Why


  • Is Lady Wisdom subtle?
  • Who talking to?


  • Basis of rejection is what? (v29)
  • Consequences of rejection (26-28,31-32)
  • Judgement when least expected
  • Comes with devestating force
  • Comes when too late to do anything about it.
  • Brought on by self.
  • Only self to blame.