Matthew 3

Matthew 3:1-12

  1. Describe your first impression of John the Baptist.
  2. Why did John lash out at the Pharisees and Sadducees and what did he ask them?
  3. What did John say was required of Sinners like the Pharisees and Sadducees before they could be Baptized?
  4. How did John say the Pharisees and Sadducees were deceiving themselves?
  5. What urgency and consequence did John give?
  6. What will bring about that consequence?
  7. What is the meaning of repent?
  8. His winnowing fan – what is the winnowing fan used for?
  9. What is the destiny for the chaff?

Matthew 3:13-17

  1. Did John recognize Jesus?
  2. What was John’s objection to baptizing Jesus and why? – What does this mean to you?
  3. What was Jesus’ response? What does it mean regarding fulfilling all righteousness.
  4. Notice that Jesus explains that it is fitting for “us” to fulfill … Discuss.
  5. What doctrine was revealed in verses 16 and 17.
  6. What did God say and why?
  7. What does God’s statement mean to you? To John?
  8. Reflect on John’s concerns regarding his baptizing Jesus and on the public revelation of Jesus as God’s son – what does this timing mean about John’s understanding of Jesus’ true nature?