Matthew 10

Verses 1-4

  1. How were the disciples gathered?
  2. What authority did Jesus give the twelve disciples?
  3. What are the names of the twelve disciples?

Verses 5-15

  1. Where did Jesus tell the disciples to go? Why?
  2. What were the disciples commanded to do?
  3. Were the disciples commanded to convert people to Christianity?
  4. How were the disciples to support themselves? Why?
  5. Explain “worthy person” and “home is deserving”.
  6. What is the significance of “shake the dust off your feet”?
  7. What is the fate of towns that reject the disciples?

Verses 16-23

  1. What is the significance of the particular animals listed?
  2. What groups will hate and persecute the disciples?
  3. What are the disciples directed to say?
  4. What was required for salvation?
  5. How are the disciples to respond to persecution?
  6. What is the significance of “you will not finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.”

Verses 24-31

  1. Who are the “head of the house” and “household\?
  2. Why should the disciples not be afraid? Who should they fear?
  3. How valuable are the disciples?

Verses 32-42

  1. Who will be acknowledged and disowned by Jesus?
  2. How can we reconcile the Prince of Peace with verses 34-36? What is the source of the conflict?

Summarize verses 37-39

  1. What high standards are required to be worthy of Jesus and salvation?
  2. How are we rewarded for our good deeds?