The Layoff

How God can use improbable situations for his glory.

The stage is set with two chairs facing each other (desk between the two chairs is optional). The scene begins with a man (Michael) sitting in a place of authority (the manager) who is preparing himself for a difficult scene in which he has to layoff one of his employees – a very nice woman (Mary). The scene opens with the man in his chair perparing for the meeting with his employee.

Michael: “Let’s see.” (He says as he looks over some notes) stay detached and non-emotional, state as a business decision, has nothing to do with their performance”. (Man looks up from papers and sighs) “Easier said than done. This woman has been a great performer and a good associate for us for almost 5 years now. Now, because the company is facing difficult times, she has to lose her job. I really hate this part of my job.”

Mary: (Walks into the stage miming walking into her manager’s office. She sits quietly in the chair opposite of Michael and smiles.) Hello, Michael, haven’t had a chance to talk to you for some time – you’ve been in so many meetings lately. How are you and your wife, and little Jeff?

Michael: Hi Mary, it has been hectic around here since the Quarterly Earnings report. Thanks for asking, Betsy is find and so is Jeff. Mary, I called you in to explain a decision that the company has reached. Since our earnings were not as expected and the projections for the next year are not good, the company has decided to lay off 5 percent of their workforce.

Mary: Oh, my.

Michael: The company has selected our department as needing particular attention and your job has been affected.

(Mary looks at Michael with surprise)

Michael: As of today, you are formally placed on a severance package and will be asked by the end of the week to pack up your office return your keys and badge. We will furnish packing materials and any assistance you need to assemble your things.

Mary: Oh, my…(Mary says with additional concern) Michael, who else is affected by this.

Michael: Mary, this is about you right now, I am not at liberty to share any other’s situation. Do you have any questions?

Mary: No, I will be fine.

Michael: Ok, Mary – please sign here that you have heard and understand what I have told you. (Mary signs and they both stand)

Mary: Michael, I will be fine, really. It has been a real pleasure working with you these last 5 years. I hope we get a chance to work together again. Bye…

Michael: Bye. (Mary walks off stage and after a few beats, Michael sits back down) I hope I never have to do that again. If I were sitting on the other side of this desk, I don’t know what I would do. No job, no money. I would have no hope!

Narrator: (While Michael stays seated) Who had a chance to witness? How could they have witnessed in this difficult situation? Let’s look at one possibility.

(Scene starts back from begining again)

Michael: “Let’s see.” (He says as he looks over some notes) stay detached and non-emotional, state as a business decision, has nothing to do with their performance”. (Man looks up from papers and sighs) “Easier said than done. This woman has been a great performer and a good associate for us for almost 5 years now. Now, because the company is facing difficult times, she has to lose her job. I really hate this part of my job.”

Mary: (Walks into the stage miming walking into her manager’s office. She sits quietly in the chair opposite of Michael and smiles.) Hello, Michael, haven’t had a chance to talk to you for some time – you’ve been in so many meetings lately. How are you and your wife, and little Jeff?

Michael: Hi Mary, it has been hectic around here since the Quarterly Earnings report. Thanks for asking, Betsy is find and so is Jeff. Mary, I called you in to explain a decision that the company has reached. Since our earnings were not as expected and the projections for the next year are not good, the company has decided to lay off 5 percent of their workforce.

Mary: Oh, my.

Michael: The company has selected our department as needing particular attention and your job has been affected.

(Mary looks at Michael with surprise)

Michael: As of today, you are formally placed on a severance package and will be asked by the end of the week to pack up your office return your keys and badge. We will furnish packing materials and any assistance you need to assemble your things.

Mary: Michael, how are you? This has to be very hard for you. I hope you aren’t affected by this.

Michael: Mary, this is about you right now, I am not at liberty to share any other’s situation — even my own. Do you have any questions?

Mary: Michael, please – off the record, are you OK?

Michael: (After a long pause)Mary, why are you worried about me. Don’t you understand what I’m saying here?

Mary:Yes, Michael and that is exactly why I am worried about you. I am just fine – God will take care of me – I have hope in Jesus and nothing on this earth can change that. It is you I am concerned about.

Michael: Mary, I wish I had your strength.

Mary: Oh, but Michael, you can – just put your faith in the one who died for all of us so that we could have hope. This has to be a great strain for you and I want to pray for you – can we do that right now?

Michael:But Mary, that isn’t part of the layoff process they told us about – not even close.

Mary: This is between you, me and God, can we pray, please?

Michael: Ok, (he hesitates) please?

Mary: Almighty God, how often we forget that you are in complete control of everything. Because your hand is in all things, all things work for good. Please help Michael to realize this. Please, God, work right now in Michael’s life. Holy Spirit, move into Michael’s heart to help him realize how much he needs Jesus for hope and slavation and rescue from this difficult world. In Jesus name we pray, Amen…

(Michael sits somewhat stunned — He awakens out of his stupor to realize where he is and what he is supposed to be doing)

Michael: Ok, Mary – please sign here that you have heard and understand what I have told you. (Mary signs and they both stand)

Mary: Michael, I will be fine, really. It has been a real pleasure working with you these last 5 years. I hope we get a chance to work together again. Bye…

Michael: Bye. (Mary walks off stage and after a few beats, Michael sits back down – He looks up and says) God, are you there? Can we talk?

Copyright Chris Shenefiel – February 22, 2002. Use and duplication permitted.