The Recruits

An amusing depiction of God’s work in our lives to pepare us for his service.

Two men are seated on stage, one opposite the other. They are both dressed in clothes meant to represent military drill sargents. One man is Sargent Harrison and the other Sargent Jeffries. Sargent Harrison, the older of the two is consoling Sargent Jeffries who is very distraught.

The scene opens with Sargent Jeffries rising to his feet in order to express himself.

Jeffries: Harrison, I have to say that I have never seen such a sorry, weak, and pathetic group of recruits. We are in a world of hurt if we are expected to defeat the enemy with these poor excuses for soldiers.

Harrison: Now, Sargent Jeffries, it can’t be all that bad. You say this with every batch.

Jeffries: Oh, you don’t know. You just don’t know. This time it’s different. These recruits are the dregs, the bottom of the barrel. (Getting serious and expressing true concern) If we send these out in this condition, they just won’t be coming back.

Harrison: You will whip ’em into shape, you always do. Just show em’ some of that Jeffries charm and they’ll break.

Jeffries: No way, Harrison. No way – not this time. (Just as Jeffries finishes this statement, two recruits come walking clumsily in. They are quite young and obviously terrified to have to appear before these intimidating men.)

Jeffries: Smiths, Wilson, what, may I ask, are you doing here?

Smiths: Sir, sorry sir, but we were instructed to appear before you sir.

Jeffries: And, Wilson, to what do we owe this great honor?

Wilson: Sir, Smiths and I were having a difference of opinion, sir. (Jeffries looks at Harrison in an “I told you so” way and walks behind both boys who are wide eyed and worried)

Jeffries: Difference of opinion? What could be so important to you would raise such a comotion to justify coming in here?

Wilson: Well, sir, Smiths said that Cain married his mother and I just couldn’t accept that.

Smiths: Well, he must have, all there was was Adam and Eve – who else could he marry. (Jeffries walks slowly to the front of both boys while Harrison puts his face very close to Wilson’s.)

Wilson: Oh, sorry sir, excuse me sir.

Jeffries: Do you have any idea why what you said angers me, soldier?

Wilson: No, sir, I don’t. (Jeffries quickly turns his head toward Smiths and shouts)

Jeffries: Do you, Smiths?

Smiths: I think so, sir. (Jeffries moves over in front of Smiths as he cowers from intimidation)

Jeffries: Well, let’s hear it! I don’t have all day, soldier.

Smiths: Well, sir, I think that you are angry because we are missing the point, sir.

Jeffries: Go on, soldier.

Smiths: Well, sir, I think you are angry because we were arguing over stuff that is irrelevant. As you say sir – “Don’t get distracted soldiers, get ’em to the cross”.

Jeffries: Yeah, go on!!

Smiths: And you say “Get’em to the cross and let Jesus turn their hearts – that’ll win every time” Jeffries: Well, I\’ll be. It is pretty good to see some of what we are try\’n to teach you sorry excuses for soldiers is sinking in. Well? What are you standing here eyeballin\’ me for? Get down on your knees and give God 20. (Both soldiers quickly get to their knees and start praying quietly while Jeffries walks behind them and around in front to sit back down with Harrison). Jeffries: OK, that\’s enough, I want to see you both at service tomorrow morning ON TIME! (They both get up and start to leave but before they can make their escape) Jeffries: Wilson? (Wilson stops in his tracks and spins around) Wilson: Yes sir? Jeffries: And bring your Bible this time – you might want to refer to it during the message… Wilson: Yes sir!! (Jeffries slowly walks back to sit with Harrison while Harrison smiles) Harrison: You know someting Sargent Jeffries? Jeffries: What Sargent Harrison? Harrison: I think that sometimes you get so caught up in preparing these soldiers for battle that you forget who our commander-in-chief really is. Jeffries: Yeah, I know. I know that God can do anything. But this war is serious business. We have to get these recruits stong and ready to meet the enemy. I know God is right with them but so is Satan and we don\’t want to give that master of lies any advantage. Harrison: I don\’t remember reading that preparing the Body of Christ to use their spiritual gifts would be easy, do you? Jeffries: No. (Pauses) But I think I\’m gonna go back and read Genesis. Wilson got me thinking. Don\’t you think that Sampson was stronger? (They both look at each other and start to laugh) An amusing depiction of God\’s work in our lives to pepare us for his service.  

Jeffries: Well, I’ll be. It is pretty good to see some of what we are try’n to teach you sorry excuses for soldiers is sinking in. Well? What are you standing here eyeballin’ me for? Get down on your knees and give God 20. (Both soldiers quickly get to their knees and start praying quietly while Jeffries walks behind them and around in front to sit back down with Harrison).

Jeffries: OK, that’s enough, I want to see you both at service tomorrow morning ON TIME! (They both get up and start to leave but before they can make their escape)

Jeffries: Wilson? (Wilson stops in his tracks and spins around)

Wilson: Yes sir?

Jeffries: And bring your Bible this time – you might want to refer to it during the message…

Wilson: Yes sir!! (Jeffries slowly walks back to sit with Harrison while Harrison smiles)

Harrison: You know someting Sargent Jeffries?

Jeffries: What Sargent Harrison?

Harrison: I think that sometimes you get so caught up in preparing these soldiers for battle that you forget who our commander-in-chief really is.

Jeffries: Yeah, I know. I know that God can do anything. But this war is serious business. We have to get these recruits stong and ready to meet the enemy. I know God is right with them but so is Satan and we don’t want to give that master of lies any advantage.

Harrison: I don’t remember reading that preparing the Body of Christ to use their spiritual gifts would be easy, do you?

Jeffries: No. (Pauses) But I think I’m gonna go back and read Genesis. Wilson got me thinking. Don’t you think that Sampson was stronger? (They both look at each other and start to laugh).