Proverbs 17

Verses 1-5

  • How does wisdom make itself known?
  • Where does wisdom make itself known?
  • Would someone be able to hide from wisdom?
  • Who does wisdom cry out to – a select few?
  • Who is singled out for understanding? What do they need in order to hear wisdom? Intellect, education?

Verses 6-11

  • How does Solomon describe his teachings? Is this a normal claim of a typical teacher? Why or why not?
  • What different aspects of the world do rubies, silver, and gold bring to mind?
  • What is the bottom line of verse 10? How does this compare to the thinking of the world? How does this compare to us in our everyday lives?
  • How does wisdom compare with rubies specifically?

Verse 12-21

  • What are the characteristics of wisdom?
  • Contrast the characteristics of wisdom with the fruits of fearing the Lord? Do you think that “hate” is a bit strong?
  • Who benefits from wisdom?
  • What are the benefits? Wealth? Power? What are “durable” riches?
  • What are the fruits of wisdom?

Verses 22-31

  • When did wisdom begin? Who used it? How?
  • Review Genesis order of the creation of the earth in Genesis 1. How does this correlate with Solomon’s description of wisdom’s beginning?
  • Also – consider John 1:1-5 for more discussion insight as to what Solomon may be describing.
  • Where was wisdom and who was “he” with?
  • If wisdom were given an identity – who do you think it would be?

Verses 32-36

  • What must someone do in order to be blessed?
  • Is it enough to hear wisdom in order to be blessed?
  • What is the final benefit of wisdom as described in this chapter?
  • What is the final curse of not finding wisdom?