Psalm 13

PSALM 13  David starts out in discouragement and despair, but finishes it in trust, joy, and encouragement.

1 How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?How long will you hide your face from me?

2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?

3 Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,

4 and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

5 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.

6 I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.


I  Below “sea level”  expressions of Despair (verses :1-2)

II  “Sea Level” Expressions of Desire (verses 3-4)

III “Mountaintop Level” Expressions of Delight (verses 5-6)

THEME: How Long Oh Lord must we endure, or go through this trial?


What questions does David ask in this psalm?

When have you felt God was hiding his face from you?

What do you think David meant by “wrestle with my thoughts?”

What does David mean when he asks God to give light to his eyes?

What does David trust in? Do you trust in the same thing or is their doubt?

Our enemy, the devil, can often seem to say the same things David’s physical enemies say, “ I have over come her/him and rejoice when we fall into temptation. When was a time the enemy seemed to triumph over you? Did you overcome him? How?

David starts the psalm with desparation. How does he end it?


Jeremiah 29:11″For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.” 

Proverbs 21:30: “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.

2 Chron. 20:6L O Lord, God of our fathers, are You not the God who is in Heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. Power and might are in Your hand, and no one can withstand You.”

Prov. 19:21:”Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

Isaiah 30:18 “Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you. And therefore he waits on high to have have compassion on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; how blessed are those who long for him.”

Isaiah 30:15 In repentence and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust is your strength.

How long, O Lord? It seems that every child of God has asked this question or has felt neglected by God – or at least that they’ve waited a long time for God to answer. Can you sense David’s intense desire for deliverance, and great anguish? Often we get worn-out and discouraged. We feel we could endure almost anything if we knew when the pain would end. It’s easy to be impatient and start to complain after we’ve suffered a long time.

David asks, “Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? “There’s a sense that God has forgotten him and is distant. David may have faced worse circumstances, but he felt more courage when he sensed God’s presence. Now that God seems distant, David falls into despair, a victim of his feelings.

There’s a balance when it comes to feelings. Some people think we should ignore them and that feelings shouldn’t enter into our relationship with God. But God has given us feelings as an expression of His image in us. We can feel anger, love, and sorrow because God feels them too. Feelings are a gift from God-a sign that we’re made in His image. However some people are ruled by their feelings. They believe whatever they feel must be true. But feelings can’t always be trusted. We must be careful that our feelings are based on actual reality. If we feel unloved or deserted by God, that’s not the truth.

David desperately cried out to God to hear him. After running from Saul, he was so worn out  emotionally that he felt as though he might die. David knew that his vision was clouded and he wasn’t seeing God’s reality, so he cried “Enlighten my eyes.”

APPLICATIONS: 1)When you can’t trust anything else, trust in God’s mercy.  2)David knew he had to start rejoicing. He started looking for his blessings and rejoicing. This is a great example to us. 3) David expressed his love to God by singing, which also brought David joy.  4) Try singing songs to God next time you feel like complaining or feel sad.

It’s hard for us to wait on the Lord in times of trouble. We have our time schedule for when God should get things done, but God rarely follows it. But unlike our timing, His timing is perfect. We remember David’s reign as king, but we forget how long he waited to be king and how much suffering he experienced while he was waiting.

David prayed that God would “give light to his eyes.” He wanted to understand why he was forced to endure affliction. How many times have we asked the same thing? Why God?  David was in agony because he didn’t understand the reason behind the things happening. But note that he didn’t ask to be delivered from his trial just to know why he had to go through it.

APPLICATION: But David had a change of heart when he remembered God’s character and what God had done in the past. He resolved to worship God, singing “He has been good to me.” This is faith. God has never failed us so why would He start now?  In trouble let’s reflect on God’s past goodness to us and rejoice. In the end, David’s faith conquered his despair.

Father, help us to live by faith. Help us to count on Your unfailing love, and not to be fooled by external circumstances. Help us to remember Your faithfulness in the past to get us through troubles. And help us sing praises to you in affliction.  Amen.

The Bible tells the story of Job, who goes through a terrible time of pain and suffering. He’s lost all of his children, his wealth, and his health. His friends are of no help. His wife offers no support and, in fact, tells him to give up (Job 2:9). Job feels as though his life is over. The only thing left is to die. Have you ever felt that way? But in Job 13:15, he does a turn around and declares, “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him.” How does that happen?

Job starts out saying that he’s innocent (Job 13:16).  But then he realizes it’s a mistake to say he’s without sin. He says, “Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know” (Job 42:3). “I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:6).

Job come to realize that, ultimately, the suffering he endures is being allowed by God. God has the right and the power to “slay” him. But Job knows even if he dies, he will be with God. He doesn’t understand “why” these things are happening to him anymore than David did  but,  like David, Job knows that God is good, loving, and trustworthy. Oh to have that kind of confidence in the loving goodness of our Lord that Job and David had!

My reflection on psalm 13:  Sometimes I feel I deserve to suffer because of things I’ve done. Other times I wonder why is God letting this happen to me? What did I do? Both Job and David realized they might never know the answer to “why.” But they rest on what they do know about the God’s character. He’s in control over our lives. That would be a terrifying thought if we didn’t know God’s character and thought he was out to get us or didn’t care for us or have compassion or love for us. But since I learned about the true character of God from studying the bible I came to realize there is no one we can trust more than God. He not only loves us beyond measure but he really does want the best for me though it may not seem like it when I’m suffering a trial in my life.

I love the story of Jonah which clearly shows God’s character. God wanted to show his mercy to Ninevah, a city that was violent and full of corruption. The peple there had never shown an ounce of mercy to their enemies. He wanted to send his prophet Jonah to preach  o them and warn them to confess their sins and turn to God before he sent judgment and destroyed their city. But Jonah had no desire to preach mercy and redemption to his enemies. Jonah says to God, “This is why I was so quick to flee toward Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger, abounding in loving devotion—One who relents from sending disaster.” Jonah didn’t want God to show mercy to these wicked people. Send those lightning bolts down God! Judge my enemies. Oh I’ve prayed that prayer before, especially after 911. God answers Jonah, “And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left–and also many animals?” I was amazed that God was so merciful that his mercy even extended to the animals! This is the true nature of the God we serve. In 2 Peter 3:9 it says, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” So if God is this patient and merciful with people who are wicked, and are enemies of his own people, then I know he will extend even more mercy to me in my trials. But I have to trust he has good reason to allow me to go through whatever pain I’m suffering. 

We are children of God and we’re protected in way that a nonbeliever is not. But God protects what is most important to him–our spirits. He nurtures, comforts and protects. He keeps us close to his heart. If we turn to him, he’ll get us through anything. We may still experience pain, suffering, and grief like Job. But ultimately we will come through it with a better understanding of how much God comforted, strengthend, held us up, and grew our faith through it all.

When I face overwhelming trials in the future and my faith is tested, I hope I can join Job in saying:

Job 2:32 The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Job 13:15 Though he slay me, yet I will trust him;

Job 2:10 “Should we accept from God only good and not adversity?”

Job 1:22 In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.

Job 42:2 I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.

The book of Job reveals God’s character.  Average people on the street, if they think of God at all, think of Him as being impersonnal, distant, and demanding-an angry God. That’s a common view of God in the world today. This God is commonly called the Old Testament God, as though God were two kinds of beings, one in the Old Testament and one in the New. But God never changes. He is deeply aware of our problems and concerned about us, carefully controlling everything that touches us. He limits the power of Satan, according to His wisdom. He is patient, forgiving, and ultimately responsible for all that happens. Actually we should all be grateful that we are chosen by God to be the ones who honor God, even in trials and affliction. There is no higher honor than that.

In one 24 hour period Job lost everything that he had ever worked for his entire life. In one day it was all gone. I’ve learned along the way that it doesn’t pay to trust in material things because you can lose them in a moment.  Praise God, that there is one thing that adversity can’t take from us-  our salvation and position in Jesus. We can lose our material possessions, our health, even our loved ones, but we can never lose our soul.

Disease Tortured Job’s body – He broke out in terrible, painful boils from head to toe and began to suffer physically.  Being saved and set apart for God doesn’t exempt us from suffering. Some of the greatest Christians I know have gone through physical suffering.

Death Touched Job’s Family – Job knew what it was like to stand by the grave of not one but 10 of the most precious people in his life: his children: 7 sons and 3 daughters.I would say that just about everyone has had to go to the funeral home and knows what it’s like to stand at the graveside of someone you love. Many times the devil will say, “Where is your God? If He really loved you and cared about you he wouldn’t have allowed this to happen.” But we know a God who can bring hope to what seems to be a hopeless situation. He is “the Resurrection and the Life.” I’m greatful that for a child of God, death is not the end. It is only good-bye for a little while. We know that because “He lives” we will too.

Deceit Turned Job’s Friends – Can you imagine losing everything you had then on top of that your so called friends come by. Instead of bringing comfort and praying for you, they criticize, or even worse, blame you and your lack of faith as the reason for your problems? Job’s friends basically said, “Job you must not be right with God.” Job’s own wife even said why don’t you just go ahead and curse God and die and get it over with.

Some of you may have been let down by friends and family. You know what it’s like to have a loved one or a friend fail you when you need them the most. But we also have friends who stick closer than a brother. And aren’t you glad we have Jesus who calls us friend. He will never turn against you, He will always be there, He will never let you down or leave you.


There is one thing that didn’t happen to Job: The devil didn’t destroy his faith. The devil said to God “You just watch what he does. I’ll take everything he’s got, and he’ll curse you.” Job received one bad news report after another and instead of turning from God Job says,  “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I shall return there. The Lord gives and the Lord takes. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God. (Job 1:20-22) Can we say the same?

Job tore his robe in grief and shaved his head as expressions of grief. He fell to the ground and then he didn’t do what you’d expect. Maybe you think that he’d fall to the ground and curse God in anger; or fall to the ground and shout “Why me Lord?” or blame, complain, or accuse God of abandonment. But no, he fell down to worship and praise God. He did right when everything went wrong. When God was all that he had, God was enough. Is God enough for us?

Sometimes our emotional or physical pain continues for weeks, months, or even years. Suffering can be intense. If you’re going through a tough time, take heart. The Lord is sovereign and controls all adversity in our lives. It’s imperative that when we go through a long time of suffering that we remember how much God loves us. If He allows us to go through this pain and loss, then there is something good He wants us to accomplish. He’s preparing us in a way that a life without suffering could never do.

Have you ever felt like people are messing with your life? Well, there’s no need to worry because no matter what anyone does, they can’tstop God’s plans for your life. They may put obstacles in your way to hinder them, but can’t stop them. Father has a plan, set in stone, for each of us. He’s had it since the day you were born and that plan will come to pass in his specific time and season -but not before. His timing is perfect-never too early or too late. When you understand that, nothing should trouble you. You must keep trusting, praising and believing that God’s will, and way, will prevail.

Don’t let the enemy torment you with the “what if’s” of your life. You’re in a spiritual battle. What the devil means for evil, God will work out in your favour. Study the life of Moses, Ruth, Joseph and Job and you’ll be encouraged. Human’s plans often fail because a detail is overlooked. Something unforeseen arises, and the plans collapse. God is omniscience (knowing all), so that everything past, present, and future and every contingency is taken into account in his plan.

There is no “good luck” or coincidences in God’s plan. When Joseph’s jealous brothers wanted to sell Joseph (one even wanted to kill him)  (Genesis 37:14-17), the passing caravan headed for Egypt that came by was no coincidence(Genesis 37:25-28). Ruth happening to come upon the field of Boaz, a near kinsman of Naomi, wasn’t just good luck. (Ruth 2:3).No matter what anyone does to you, God has factored it in already.  So don’t let those things get you down. God has everything covered. His plan is unchangeable and nothing and no one in this universe can stop it. The steps of a righteous man are ordered of God.

APPLICATION: Live life as it unfolds before you. When you hear the small still voice, obey it. When you know what to do, do it.  When Jesus promises us “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” that’s a promise that won’t be broken. Ask him to guide you in all you do and to give you wisdom in fulfilling your tasks. Be encouraged that it doesn’t matter what is happening, how long you’ve been waiting, or how many obstacles are placed in your way, God won’t be stopped. He has an overall plan for your situation and it can’t be thwarted.  Isaiah 14:27 –“For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?”  When we complain, we show a lack of confidence in God. If we knew the end from the beginning, as God does, it’s easier to trust. But we are called to trust him even if we don’t know the outcome for our lives

SONG: Turn your Eyes Upon Jesus. Blessed be The Name of The Lord, It is Well With My Soul