Evidence of the End Times

I have found myself enthralled with the latest unfolding drama in the US since the most recent presidential election. Every day, I read something newly shocking about our federal and local government decisions and choices. Celebrating partial birth abortion laws, celebrating and encouraging sinful behavior, sanctioning and funding terrorism both domestic and foreign are just a few of the most recent shocks. Then, on top of that, we are hearing Christian religious leadership promoting one world religion with statements that all world religions are “Meeting God In Different Ways” and that all people in the various world religions are “Children of God”. Those same leaders are calling Fundamentalism (the belief in absolute truth) a scourge.

Furthermore, our government gives the free, advertising-based services owned by an elite set of young men and women in California the complete authority to arbitrate truth. If you say anything they don’t agree with, you are banned. If you mention the new COVID-19 vaccines in any way that might be interpreted as questioning it or sharing unflattering facts, you are banned. If hate groups post to your prayer page because they hate what you stand for, your prayer page is banned. If you encourage citizens to make their voices heard, you are permanently banned (or for at least 2 years but likely more).

Then, the new race philosophy of “Critical Race Theory”, derived from the Marxist class division philosophy is becoming the new institutional orthodoxy. This anti-white racist philosophy leads people to make surprising choices like the white schoolteacher who decided she was being racist by teaching Spanish to her students and, consequently, canceled herself.

With all this happening, my first reaction is to document and try to make sense of what is going on. I analyze the different sides of the stories, I roll the decisions and data through my brain and come to the conclusion that this is CRAZY! How could all this be happening? How can people, generally rational and intelligent people, come to these conclusions and make these choices?

Today, I was praying about this and felt 2 answers from God. First, I felt he said “It is good you don’t understand these things.” That, to me, meant that I shouldn’t be agreeing with these things but to refuse to accept them. Second, through a study my wife has been doing through Revelation and Daniel, we heard a pastor say “The answer is in Revelation 17:17”.

For God has put it in their hearts to execute His [a]purpose [b]by having a common purpose, and by giving their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God will be fulfilled.

Revelation 17:17 New American Standard Bible

As I prayed about this today, I realized that one clear explanation for this irrational behavior is that it fits into God’s plan. He is arranging these things to happen before He returns. These things must pass so that people realize that their plans for a utopian society, as a form of salvation, are fruitless and foolish. I realized that I was fighting against God’s plan by trying to document and make sense of all that was going on. We are living in the “End Times” and God is alive and working. I never dreamed that I would be living to see the unfolding events in Revelation; but I think I am. Now, instead of trying desperately to make sense of what is going on around me, I pray that God’s will be done and that He gives me boldness to proclaim the Gospel to those he places in my path. I also pray that this is a comfort to anyone who reads it.

God is on His throne. He is not sleeping or on vacation (1 Kings 18:27) during all this craziness. He is allowing this craziness so people recognize the foolishness of playing God. He is arranging these things to bring about the events found in the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Please read and study Revelation. God gave us this book because he wanted us to recognize the things that were coming so we would not fear but be prepared.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must soon take place; and He sent and [a]communicated it by His angel to His bond-servant John, who testified to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, everything that he saw. Blessed is the one who reads, and those who hear the words of the prophecy and [b]keep the things which are written in it; for the time is near.

Revelation 1:1-3 New American Standard Bible

May Jesus’ peace be in you….

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